Stamford and District Lions Club
Registered Charity No: 1196478
Our Story
Stamford and District Lions, situated here in the United Kingdom, is part of an international organisation which assists in disasters all over the globe.
Lions Clubs International (LCI) is an international non-political service organisation established originally in October 1917 in Chicago, Illinois, by Melvin Jones. Now headquartered in Oak Brook, Illinois.
As of March 2016, it had over 46,000 local clubs and more than 1.4 million members (Lions & LEO) in more than 200 countries around the world.
Lions International celebrated its centenary in 2017.
We are a very large family of volunteers raising funds globally for local, national and international needs.
Lions do a number of fund raising activities, community projects and services in the community.
Our main motto is "We Serve"
Our ethos is "Where there is a need, there is a Lion"
Every penny raised goes into the charity.
Stamford and District Lions run 2 major fund raisers a year:
Rock on the Rec in July
Santa's Grotto in November/December
and 1 major Community event/fund raiser a year:
Christmas Tree Festival in November/December
If you would like to give something back to your community, why not
become a Lion
and make a difference.
Where there's a need
there's a Lion
Contact us for more information
If you would like to
make a donation,
please use the QR code below